Students trained
The mission of Alzheimer’s Community Care’s Education Department is to provide the latest education on Alzheimer’s disease and related neurocognitive disorders for patients, caregivers, staff, law enforcement, students of health professions and community health care partners. We also strive to monitor, support and promote the Organization’s accredited model for specialized, disease-specific care.
Our model of care is founded upon evidence-based, dementia-specific principles that are integrated into every aspect of the Organization. All staff members receive specialized training regardless of their job responsibilities in order to gain an understanding of the needs of those affected by Alzheimer’s disease and related neurocognitive disorders. Both patients and caregivers are viewed as primary recipients of care.
Students trained
Universities & Colleges received education
Students, Community & Health Care Professionals reached through education & training
Alzheimer’s Community Care’s Curriculum, “Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders,” meets all Florida Department of Elder Affair’s standards as required by Florida Statute 429.178. Alzheimer’s Community Care is approved to provide this training for Specialized Adult Day Centers, Skilled Nursing Facilities, and Assisted Living Facilities.
To learn more about the curriculum, which consists of two sessions, led by Karen Gilbert, DNP MS RN CDP, our Vice President of Education & Quality Assurance, please click the link below.
Alzheimer’s Community Care also provides additional educational programs, ranging from one-half hour to four hours in length, for law enforcement and community groups, as well as medical, nursing students, certified nursing assistant students, social work and health administration students from numerous local and distance-learning colleges and universities.
Karen Gilbert leads the presentations, which include, but are not limited to:
Alzheimer’s Community Care’s Education Department will always tailor a presentation to the needs of the audience!
Alzheimer’s Community Care presents an Annual Educational Conference in the spring of each year, providing family and professional caregivers with the latest information and strategies presented by experts in medicine and nursing, elder law, long-term care and current research. Attendees also have the opportunity to meet scores of professional providers of health, legal and financial services between educational sessions. All Conference programs are also approved for Continuing Education Credit.
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