The Gaston Jones Society is made up of special friends who believe in the mission of Alzheimer’s Community Care, to provide specialized care to those affected by Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia disorders. This distinguished society is named in honor of one of Alzheimer’s Community Care’s beloved founders, Gaston Jones.
When you include Alzheimer’s Community Care in your planned giving, please notify the Organization so that we may include you in the Gaston Jones Society. As a member of this distinguished group, you will receive Alzheimer’s Community Care’s quarterly magazine and the Organizations bi-annual ACColades donor publication, and be invited to a special annual reception to honor each member of the Gaston Jones Society.
Planned Giving
You can help Alzheimer’s Community Care combat Alzheimer’s disease in many ways, including through your estate. Planned or deferred gifts enable Alzheimer’s Community Care to maintain and expand services and resources, while helping more people who are struggling with this difficult disease.
The term Planned Giving refers to charitable gifts that require some planning before they are made. Whether a donor uses cash, stocks, bonds, paid-up life insurance, real estate, artwork, or other financial assets, the benefits of funding a planned gift can make this type of charitable giving very attractive to both the donor and the charity. Planned gifts are popular because they can provide valuable tax benefits and, in some instances, income for life.
Your attorney and/or financial advisor can advise you of the various types of charitable trusts and the estate tax benefits of each, and assist you in setting up a planned gift that is tailored to your personal needs.
Requests to Alzheimer’s Community Care
One of the easiest ways to make a gift to Alzheimer’s Community Care is by leaving a bequest in your Will.
There are several ways you can do this. You can (1) give a specific amount of money to Alzheimer’s Community Care; (2) give a specific item of property to Alzheimer’s Community Care; or (3) give a specified percentage of the residue of your estate to Alzheimer’s Community Care (the residue of your estate is that which is left over after all specific gifts have been made, whether charitable or non-charitable, and estate taxes are paid).
The following language can be used to make your gift:
“I give and devise to Alzheimer’s Community Care, Inc., or its successor, the sum of _________ Dollars ($_________) to be used for such charitable purposes as the governing body of Alzheimer’s Community Care, Inc. deems appropriate; provided, however, that at the time of such gift, Alzheimer’s Community Care, Inc. or its successor, must be a charity as described in Sections 170(c) and 2055(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.”
“I give and devise ________ percent (________%) of my residuary estate to Alzheimer’s Community Care, Inc., or its successor, to be used for such charitable purposes as the governing body of Alzheimer’s Community Care deems appropriate; provided, however, that at the time of such gift, Alzheimer’s Community Care, Inc., or its successor, must be a charity as described in Sections 170(c) and 2055(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.”
A bequest may be included in the body of a Will or as an amendment (codicil). Gifts made through a bequest typically provide an estate tax deduction. Please consult your attorney and/or financial advisor for specific information.
If you have any questions or would like more information please call (561) 683-2700.
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