Continuing Education Courses (CEU)

Professional & Community Education
Generously Sponsored by the Addison Hines Charitable Trust

Click the course or courses you wish to purchase.

Course materials will be sent to you via email NEXT BUSINESS DAY after placing your order. If you do not receive your Home Study course within one business day, please remember to check your spam folder.

Course CEU's Fee Nursing CNA Nursing Home
Marriage &
Family Therapy
Mental Health
Communicating with the Cognitively Impaired Client 1.0 5.00 Yes Required Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cultural Competency in Health Care 1.0 5.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Delirium 1.0 5.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Domestic Violence 2.0 10.00 Required Required Yes Yes Yes Required Required Required
First Aid 1.0 5.00 Yes
Florida's Specialized Alzheimer's Adult Day Care Act 1.0 5.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Head Trauma: Short and Long-Term Effects on Cognition 1.0 5.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
HIV/AIDS, Bloodborne Pathogens 1.0 5.00 Yes Required Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Human Trafficking 2.0 10.00 Required Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Laws & Rules Governing the Practice of Nursing in Florida 2.0 10.00 Required Yes
Making Case for Cognition as the Sixth Vital Sign 1.0 5.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Managing AD as a Chronic Illness 1.0 5.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Medical Error Prevention & Safety for CNAs 1.0 5.00 Yes Required Yes
Medical Record Documentation & Legal Aspects Appropriate to Nursing Assistants 2.0 10.00 Yes Required Yes
Prevention of Medical Errors 2.0 10.00 Required Yes Required Required Required Required Required Required
Recognizing Impairment in the Workplace 2.0 10.00 Required Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Resident Rights 2.0 10.00 Yes Required Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Root Cause Analysis 1.0 5.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
The Risks In Underestimating Prediabetes 1.0 5.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Vulnerabilities of Cognitively Impaired Patients in Acute and Post-Acute Care Settings 2.0 10.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

The mission of Alzheimer’s Community Care’s Education Department is to provide the latest education on Alzheimer’s disease and related neurocognitive disorders for patients, caregivers, staff, law enforcement, students of health professions and community health care partners. We also strive to monitor, support and promote the organization’s accredited model for specialized, disease-specific care.

Alzheimer’s Community Care is an approved Continuing Education Provider, CE Broker Provider Number 50-76.

We are proud to offer both required and elective courses consisting of original content prepared by our Education Department

Courses noted as Required for Nurses and Certified Nursing Assistants meet or exceed the requirements established by the Florida Board of Nursing.

Our numerous courses are approved for CEUs by the following Professional Boards:

  • Certified Nursing Assistant
  • Dietetics/Nutrition
  • Nursing
  • Nursing Home Administrator
  • Osteopathic Physician
  • Marriage & Family Therapy
  • Mental Health Counselor
  • Social Work

Professionals in the following disciplines may also find a number of our courses applicable to their Professional Certificates:

  • Assisted Living Facility Administrator
  • Certified Senior Advisor

For licensed Professionals, Alzheimer’s Community Care promptly uploads earned CEUs to CE Broker upon receipt of a successfully completed quiz and course evaluation. Certificates of Completion are immediately emailed for your records.

We are pleased to address any questions regarding our CEU courses

(561) 683-2700

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